St Andrew’s Centre St Andrew’s Church, Hertford
The well-being of the community is the driving force behind the St Andrew’s Centre which will be promoted and managed by the newly established Hertford St Andrew Community Trust.
More and better space will be provided to meet the needs of young families, older people, children, young people, and many others who come for activities, support and encouragement.
The key principle is to locate the most used spaces within the Centre, which will be easier to keep comfortable than spaces within the Church.
Computer modelling of the energy performance of the existing and refurbished building shows that the alterations will result in an 80% improvement in energy consumption and CO2 emissions. These improvements will result in a more comfortable facility as well as aid the the Church of England’s commitment to ‘Shrinking the Footprint’.
The proposed alterations will improve the connections between the Church and the Centre, and allow the buildings to comply with fire safety standards and accessibility requirements for disabled users.